In November of 2024, 1 home sold in Austin Ridge. It was on the market for 5 days. It was listed for $774,000 and sold for $774,000.
In October of 2024, 2 homes sold. Average days on market was 6 days. Average list price was $597,450 and average sold price was $587.450. So homes were listed higher then they actually closed for.
Now a quick look at November of 2023: 2 homes sold. Average Days on Market were 46.5 days. Average list price was $614,950 and average sold price was $602,500. These homes also sold for less then they were listed for.
As far as What’s New:
Save the date for the Stafford Christmas Parade!! It will be December 21 at 3pm. It’s always a fun time to come and watch, but if you want to enter a float or walk in the parade, there’s still time!! Check out or call Gordon at 540-840-8992 for more info.
Have a wonderful Holiday season! And don’t forget that I’m here for any real estate needs or questions!